“There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against
the LORD.”
-Proverbs 21:30
What am I relying on?
If I take an honest, hard
look at my innermost self – the one who, when sleepless nights
strike, is prone to dwell on the “what ifs” - where does my heart
find it's strength, it's deep, down hope? Do I find comfort and
security in conjured up plans of what I think my life should look
like in order to maintain a certain level of happiness (“as long as
we all stay healthy/have this home/educate our kids well/have this
much money in the bank/are surrounded by friends and family...”)?
Or do I base my sense of
assurance on the Rock, the Immovable One, my Faithful Father?
Because the sooner I come to
realize that He is the One who is in control of all
things and, more than that, the One for Whom all things
exist (Rom. 11:36) – and not only that, but that He will work all
things together for good, for those who love Him (Rom. 8:28) – the
sooner I begin to let these truths permeate my spirit, sink down in
to me, come to live within the fabric of my being...the sooner I will
walk with a growing daily awareness that because I am in Christ
(and we are promised that once we are His through faith, we will
never be taken out of His hand – John 10:28), and because Christ
is in control of all things, and because He is
the Good Shepherd, the
True Light, Redeemer, Rock, Counselor,
Prince of Peace, the
Almighty, full of grace and truth...
– because of these amazing realities,
I am unshakably secure in Him. I can stop striving after the vain
pursuit of trying to make my little life into “something” - in my
own efforts, it will never be anything. But because I am united in
Christ, my life has miraculously become a part of His Body, the
beautiful tapestry of His presence being lived out in this world.
No matter where my life
leads, I will always be safe in His arms.
“Many are the
plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that
- Proverbs 19:21