Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Biggest Miracle of All

I am daily amazed at God's active (albeit unseen most of the time) presence in my life and the lives that intersect mine. Every day there are countless stories of His miraculous acts of grace swirling all around us, some big, some little.

I'm particularly partial to the moments when He allows us broken, unfaithful children to play a tiny part in His grand plan. Of course we know He could do it all Himself - by no means does He need our help to accomplish His will. But it pleases Him to involve us at times - He knows that we are blessed beyond measure when this happens. When we are seeking His Kingdom in our lives, He will use these powerful moments to teach us a lesson in His grandeur if we let Him.

A recent example of this in my little world:
Last week I heard a story about a couple who received a random, totally unexpected check of a significant amount in their mailbox (it was a real estate tax refund from a house they'd sold a couple years prior). Although flashes of all the "fun" things they could buy with the amount passed through their minds, they quickly planned to tuck it away in savings.

Clearly, however, God had other plans for the funds because literally minutes after they'd made the decision of what to do with it, they were made aware of a loved one's urgent need. Here's the kicker: the amount needed was almost to the exact dollar of what showed up in their mailbox that day. They knew instantly that the check, although it had made a pit stop at their house, was not meant for their own personal use, but for Christ's greater glory. They were honored to give it all just for that. He had given them so much, how could they not?

This story is just one of the countless sparks of God's grandeur played out in our lives. Whether we perceive it or not, he is constantly at work in our lives, taking care of our every need exactly when we need it. This couple and their loved one could've never known that they needed to pray for the exact amount of money to show up at that very moment in their lives - but God did. And He made it happen.

When we are seeking to grow in our knowledge of and love for Christ, making His Kingdom our primary concern above all other things in life, He promises to meet all our needs "according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19). And even when we don't know what to pray for, His Spirit inside us does and He "intercedes for the saints according to the will of God" (Romans 8:27). I draw such comfort from that amazing truth! As long as we keep first things first (His Kingdom and righteousness), we will always have everything we need (emphasis on need, not want).

Of utmost importance to God is that we are continually becoming more and more like His Son. I can conjure some pretty skewed thinking in my little brain when I try to rely on my own strength to accomplish this, which inevitably leaves me bruised and battered from beating myself up over my failure to measure up to Christ's holiness. But, like Paul, by God's grace I am working on "forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead," continuing to "work out [my] salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in [me] to will and to act according to his good purpose" (Philippians 3: 13 and Philippians 2:12-13). My desire to grow more like Christ comes from God, not me (whew)! And not only that, He alone will actually DO the work in my heart, not me (double whew)!

Thing is, we can only become like someone if we actually spend time with them. Thus, prayer.

"The primary goal of prayer is relationship building
- to draw near to God"
-Stovall Weems

Drawing near to God in consistent times of prayer is one of the primary ways we get to know Him. I'm so grateful that God has shown me little areas of time in my day and week that I can devote to spending time with Him in prayer. It's not easy and it always involves self-sacrifice, but it is making such an impact in my daily walk with Him.

Specifically, He is teaching me to “not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" ( Philippians 4:6). However, the main motivation for my prayers should always be "for the glory of God regardless of our personal comfort or preference" (S.Weems). Again, when we make the whole point of our existence - even what we pray for - singularly about the glory of God, true joy and contentment are the inevitable result!

We may not walk away from every communion with God in prayer feeling like anything monumental has taken place - we may even "feel" exactly how we felt before we took the time to pray. But we can rest assured that fervent prayer offered from a right standing of heart before God will have an eternal impact, even if we do not see it in our lifetime.

The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power
and produces wonderful results.
 - James 5:16

What is this "right standing"before God? It is what we graciously enjoy when we have become believers and God has credited to us Christ's righteousness. That being said, as we pray we must also be certain to confess any sins that are blocking us from intimacy with God. With these things in check, and keeping our hearts focused on what will truly bring glory to God, we can trust that by the His Spirit's power within us, our prayers will count for much in this life and the next!

I have seen countless "little" miracles throughout my life, and the aforementioned "check in the mail" story is just a drop in the proverbial bucket. It thrills me and rejuvenates my faith when God allows me to witness His power in such tangible, tender ways. But what I am even more excited about is how much He is answering my cries to be daily stripped of myself and further filled with His Spirit.

That, to me, is the biggest miracle of all.

It is a daily, moment by moment battle, but by His power, I keep pressing on.

Not that I have already obtained all this,
or have already arrived at my goal,
but I press on to take hold of that
for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.
- Philippians 3:12

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