Saturday, August 30, 2014

Caught on Tape


"I will be careful to lead a blameless life-- when will you come to me?
I will conduct the affairs of my house with a blameless heart.”
 - Psalm 101:2

This Christmas we bought our son a camera, little knowing how powerfully God would use its video feature to grow us in Christ! There have been several times I've looked over at my son while I'm in the midst of an “intense” parenting moment with one of his siblings, only to find him recording the whole incident. Talk about a “heart check”!

Since God is an all-seeing God, the reality is, everything we do, say and even think is “on the record” – He is overseeing it all, all the time. Knowing this shudders my heart with an initial sense of dread (because I know the depth of my sin nature), but is quickly replaced with immense, restful gratitude (because I know the far greater depth of my Lord's forgiveness and grace, and that He has canceled my “record of debt” because of Christ's work on the cross; Colossians 2: 13-15, Hebrews 8:12). And from this thankfulness of heart, I am stirred with an unquenchable longing to “walk with integrity of heart within my house” (Psalm 101:2). But how do we have the power to do that ALL the time!?

The power of the Gospel is not just for Sunday morning worship experiences, mission trips or spiritual retreats – it is for the nitty gritty of everyday life. As a believer in Christ, you are a new creation, and you have the Holy Spirit (the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead! Romans 8:11) empowering you to live each moment according to your new nature. Although your old sin nature will remain to some extent until God calls you home, you are no longer enslaved to it (Romans 6:6). In the limitless strength of the Almighty One (not your own strength!) who calls you to good works in His name, you can walk with integrity each moment of your day.

You are not defeated by your flesh, the temptations of this world and Satan's continual badgering.

You are a victor
because CHRIST,
who is your life,
is the Victorious One.

By His grace, you can choose each moment to walk in victory. Start each day humbly before your loving Father, asking Him to fill you with His Spirit so that in each step of your day you will “walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4: 1-3).

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