Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Will and the Work

Have I mentioned that I just love Jesus? ;)

It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that there are literally countless things about Him to love. But what has most recently been added to my list of "Top Bajillion Things I Love About Jesus" is His uncanny ability to speak precisely what I need to hear precisely when I need to hear it.

Take earlier this week, for example. There I was, just barely, faintly offering up a prayer that God would show me in my Bible reading what I most needed to hear at that moment...when, BAM...He spoke.

The story of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well just happened to be the next chapter in my reading for the day. I'd read the story many times before, but this time, a part of it jumped out at me that I had never noticed (gotta love how God's living Word can do that!). Just to set the stage, while His disciples were off buying some food, Jesus uses His opportunity of solitude not to take a nap (weary as He surely was), but to have a life-changing conversation with a woman in desperate need of Truth. When His disciples return with food and urge Him to eat, He instead says,

"I have food to eat
that you know nothing about...
My to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work."
- John 4: 32 & 34

I can sadly say without hesitation that if it had been me in Jesus' shoes, I would've, a) slept or spaced out during the entire time the Samaritan woman was in my presence, and b) thrown down a serious munch as soon as my friends returned with some grub - maybe even forgetting to thank God for my food.

But not our Lord Jesus. He had such an urgency and single-mindedness of mission that putting aside His own physical comfort was just a way of life (and ultimately death) for Him.

Head spinning, I put down my Bible after reading this incredible snapshot of Christ's diligence in humility and compassion, and asked myself these hard questions:

- What is "the will" and "the work" that God sends me out to do?
- What things are more important to me than doing God's will and work everyday?

First things first, I believe God's ultimate will is that I love Him through His Son Jesus above all else (see Matt. 22:37). Then, from that place of love, I believe I am called to love those He has put around me (see Matt. 22:39). To me that is, in a nutshell, the will and the work of God in my life. Everything else stems from there.

I am to keep the eyes of my heart constantly turned to Jesus all throughout my day, seeking to know and love Him more and more every moment I am alive. Then I am to reflect His love to those in my path as a response to His love. I have no love to give of my own accord. It is only through His love flowing through me that I can "do the work" of loving others.

So, what keeps me from continually doing God's will and work in my life? What other things do I find more important? Where do my priorities get out of whack? Why am I more often found napping or munching when I should be loving and serving?

Again, I am hit with the sad reality that I still struggle with the lie that other things in this world will bring me more satisfaction than Jesus. In my humanity, I am inclined to turn to the "junk foods" of idolatry - the "foods" I think will satisfy, but always end up leaving me empty and sick - instead of the Bread of Life, which is Christ, who alone can fully satisfy.

When I am tired and weary and bored and discouraged and insecure...I really do not need a piece of cake, or a caramel macchiato, or a chick flick or even a nap (precious as those things can be in the right context!). What I really need, what will truly fill me up and restore more Jesus.

Oh, sweet, merciful Father, forgive me for the countless times I have turned to "junk foods" to feel satisfied instead of spending time with You, the Bread of Life and Living Water! Remind me constantly by the promptings of Your precious Holy Spirit that loving You and loving others in response to Your love are the only things that will ever fill my hungry soul.
Thank You for Your faithfulness and patience.

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