Saturday, January 25, 2014

Blessed in the Midst of the Storm

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.”
- Jeremiah 17:7

In reading the story of Jesus walking on water in Matthew 14, I think, “why would Jesus send His disciples out onto that lake when He KNEW a storm was coming??” As a fallible human parent, I would instinctively never send my beloved children outside into a storm. But the Lord Jesus, in His sovereign wisdom, chose to do just that when He “made the disciples get into the boat and go before him” (Matt. 14: 22). God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Is. 55:8). Jesus chose to use the waves to teach the disciples a critical lesson:

a truly blessed life is not one that is free from storms,
but one that is peacefully anchored in Christ even in the midst of upheaval.

It's relatively easy as believers to profess unshakeable devotion to Christ when it's smooth sailing, but when He allows - even commands - us to pass through a storm, do we keep our eyes focused on Him, or do we allow our hearts to fail in fear of the waves crashing around us?

To live a blessed life, we must daily anchor ourselves in the hope of Christ – His constant presence and unfailing promises. If, in our pride, we cling to the strength of ourselves or others, we walk out from under the blessing of God (Jer.17:5). When the eyes of our hearts shift focus from Christ, the surrounding waves of life's trials will always loom large, and the result is inevitably disastrous.

Like Peter, our feet will fail, melting into the abyss.

We were not designed to walk alone on the waves of life – the only way through is to recognize our weakness and humbly depend on the Lord for our every move, trusting that He will faithfully carry us.

Are there any areas in your life where you are not wholeheartedly trusting God to provide and guide? Where are you depending on your own feeble strength? As Peter did, call out to Jesus to save you, and in His unfailing compassion He will sweetly reach out His hand and pull you up to safely rest in His arms. You can have His blessed peace, even in the midst of the storm.

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